Autorius: neratoblogo
Data: 2014-08-11 16:35:56
Pries 1.5 metu buvo mazdaug taip:

GLONASS is now in the center of a corruption scandal, where a few 
hundred million dollars went missing. It is also a few years behind 
schedule, which makes it hard for the world to take it seriously.

Galileo satellite launches, on the other hand, have gone bust a couple 
of times. With only 2 prototype satellites currently in orbit, it is 
hard to truly consider it as a full-weight contender to GPS.

Therefore, at the time of writing, the uncontested champion of global 
positioning systems due to its presence, availability, receiver cost, 
and ubiquity is GPS. Time will tell if this is the end of the story.

As asmeniskai nelabai tikiu, kad kada nors Rusija sukurs koki nors 
normaliai veikianti daikta.

On 2014.08.08 16:01, Romas wrote:
> Galvoju imti telefona su glonass.
> Kiek tai rimta sistema lyginant su GPS?
> Ir ar ilgam?