Tema: Re: PCB už 2 USD
Autorius: Invertuota panda
Data: 2018-01-29 23:26:14
On 1/29/18 22:21, Invertuota panda wrote:

> Bet siaip net jei ir reikia 1-2vnt, tai vistiek pigiau nei europoj. Tik 
> tiek kad uz tuos 10eur ilgai keliauja, eilinis singapore post laiskas.

Ai, gal ir be reikalo bambu:

Package status: In transit
Destination country: Germany
Origin country: Singapore
2018-01-28 15:53 Despatched to overseas (Country code: DE)
2018-01-22 20:45 Information Received (This is not an acknowledgment of 
the physical receipt of the stated Registered Article)

Jei tikrai DHL paketas ilgai klaidziot neturetu.