"rutu_darzelis" <raimis@cobra.lt> wrote in message news:qgugf0$s8v$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > Sveiki, gal pasakytumėt kas Vilniuje prekiauja ELNA Silmic šilkiniais > kondensatoriais? Musiet kinieciai, jie gi su silkais dirb nuo amziu amziu.... :) . Truputuka paskaiciau datashykta : ? ELNA developed new raw material for the separate paper which use a silk fibers. Therefore, this capacitor can give you high grade sound for your audio design. ? Due to the silk fiber's pliability, the capacitor makes a dream of the high quality sound.... Nu nesu as anglickos snekos experts, bet tokie isdestymai.... ezhis duod, londons atim.