Tema: Re: PT100 ir PT1000
Autorius: Vitoldas
Data: 2009-09-14 14:49:51
na mazdaug taip:
A PT1000 is however a temperature-dependent resistance. It has 1000 ohms 
with zero °C, with 1°C 1003.85 ohms with 10°C 1038.5 ohms and so on. The 
temperature coefficient amounts to depending upon platinum material 
+3.85 Ohm/°C with the PT1000 and +0.385 Ohm/°C with the PT100. A PT1000 
has therefore a larger slope and makes possible thereby a higher 
resolution. The sensor has small currents, a self-heating of sensors 
small is minimized. With a PT100 it is easy to develop thermometers for 
a large temperature range...

Edis wrote:
> Laba,
> termodavikliai PT100 ir PT1000. Kokie ju panaudojimo skirtumai ir ypatumai ?
> Aciu, Edis 