prie to pacio __delay_cycles __delay_cycles(unsigned long int); Makes the compiler generate code that takes the given amount of cycles to perform, that is it inserts a time delay that lasts the specified number of cycles. Note: The specified value must be a constant integer expression and not an expression that is evaluated at runtime. kaip suskaiciuot kiek trunka vienas ciklas? t.y jei parasau : __delay_cycles(10); kiek tai laiko uztruks? "G.S." <xx@xx.xx> wrote in message news:gma90s$6ur$ > >> programuoju C kalba su IAR workbench , kaip apdorot counterio perpildymus >> ? >> gal kas galit uzvest ant kelio?visa savaigali guglinejau nieko doro >> surast nepavyko , dauguma kodo pavyzdziu rasyti su kitu softu , todel man >> nesigauna ju panaudot ir suprast kaip tai veikia. > > Nu tai o IAR helpo nebandei netycia paskaityt ? > >