O as su Romu sutikciau kazkiek. Paprasciausias eksperimentas. Ivedi i ebay "spinning rod" ir pasirenki "location- US". Randa 4630 rezultatu. Tada ivedi "feeder rod"- randa 0, jei pasirenki "location- worldwide", randa 33 rezultatus. Tada ivedi "match rods"- per worldwide randa 261 rezultata, o US- vos 40, is kuriu realiai nera nei vieno tikro matcho, tenai primeta visokiu "pimp my rod" tiuningu. Negaudo zmones US nei matchu nei feederiu, tai kokis sansas tenai rasti sau tinkama kota, gyvenant valstybeje, kuri yra antroje vietoje pasaulyje pagal zveju/gyventoju santyki, o pagal parduotuviu kieki gyventojui turbut pirma? "Petka" <petras555trinti@gmail.com> wrote in message news:jrq0e0$udh$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > Nesistebėk. Newsuose tokia mada. Nekreipiama dėmesio net į subject'ą, ką > jau kalbėti apie patį žinutės tekstą. Dažniausiai atsakoma "bile kažką > atsakyt". :) > Kad mano laiškas nebūtų "bile parašyt" - šiek tiek pasidomėjau. > Šiaip labai jau priklauso nuo žmogaus - vienam vienas gamintojas labiau > patinka, kitam kitas. Na ir sunku įvardint kas "geriausias" o kas > "populiariausias" - dažnai populiarus nėra geriausias. Taigis radau, bet > manau, kad tai amerikonų subjektyvi nuomonė: > ------ > Shimano rods/reels. (high end only - Calcutta, Trinidad, Torsa etc...) > G Loomis rods (everything - even the blanks are great for rod building) > Abu Garcia reels (with the exception of a few cheapos, most of the boxed > reels are bang for your buck and have never > failed for me. Love the REVO and EXT) > Lamiglas rods (one step down from g. loomis but buy I ONLY buy black > label) > St. Croix rods (few cheapos in the mix but overall bang for your buck) > Fenwick rods (generally, very good rods with great customization options) > Daiwa rods/reels (Watch out. Lots of cheapos out there but stick to Team > Daiwa, Steez, Sealine, Emblem) > Avet reels (Awesome saltwater reels, cast a mile, rugged, great gearing > system, great drag) > ACCURATE reels (BEST IN THE BUSINESS. Forged from US Air Force military > grade material, twin drag system, just about the best damn reel money can > buy) > ------------------- > Top five > 1. Bass pro shop(Pfluger makes their reels. Get a magspool reel.) > 2. Pfluger (for reels, like that one guy said) > 3. Daiwa > 4. Cableas > 5. US reel > ------------- > This is a list of the most popular brands, based on sales, in the USA > during 2007: - > Reels - SHimano - 18.1% of all purchases > Fishing knives - Rapala - 46.4% of all purchases > Rods - Shakespeare Ugly Stick - 16.7% of all purchases > Line - Berkley - 38.5% of all purchases > Rod/Reel combos - Shakespear - 20.9% of all purchases > Hardbait - Rapala - 25.6% of all purchases > Softbait - Zoom - 15.9% > Hooks - Gamakatsu - 30% > This is after feedback from over 16 000 anglers. > Comes out of 2 magazines called Tackle Trade World and Angling > International. Both have the same info in them. These are essentially > magazines for those in the tackle trade. A friend of mine is on their > mailing list (his company used to make components for some fishing > equipment), and as he is not a fisherman, he passes them on to me. > --------- > Gal susidarysi kažkokį bendrą vaizdą, nors senoka info. > Tik marakonai kiek kitaip žvejoja nei lietuviai. > Va čia surašyti Top brendai pagal gaminius: > http://www.gofishn.com/gofishn/2476-the-official-word-on-the-most-popular-fishing-brands-and-species/ > --- > Petka > On 6/19/12 3:38 PM, Igaliotinis wrote: > >> Tai gi ash neklasuiu apie konkrecius modelius, nu nejaugi neina suvokt ? >> Ash noriu suzinot kokie gamintojai amerikoj skaitosi geri, kurie >> nelabai. Ka verta rinktis , ish kokiu brandu. Apie konkrecius modelius >> aplamai niekur nieko neminejau. Kas cia per mada susigalvot sau klausima >> ir i ji atsakinet..