Tema: Re: Sony?
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2016-01-13 09:37:10
> Na daugiu nei 700 tikrai neisiu. Klausimas ar ir tas man reikalingas. Nuo 100 skiriasi vartomu ekranu ir 1 k/s didesniu greičiu 
> (tiesa ir buferi greičiau užkiša), bei tais niekam nereikalingais 9 fokusavimo taškais. visa kita tas pats

vartomas ekranas uzsiskaito kartais (cia gal nuo fotografavimo pozu priklauso)..
procas sviezesnis, jauciu ir kokiu smulkmiu nepaminetu dar bus (greitesnes korteles ar pan.?)
760D turi virsutini ekrana (kas irgi sakykim net megejui faina fycia)
tam 5500D vs 750D/760D parodo kaip fotikas elgiasi filmuodamas..
750D pyskina, bet tuo metu fokusuot nesugeba, o 760D jau moka..

370 Eur - 100D kit 18-55 DC III << nera, bet tai butu vos puse to 760D kainso
442 Eur - 100D kit 18-55 IS STM << -88Eur uz nevartoma ekrana ir kelias smulkmes
530 Eur - 700D + 18-55STM << tarkim default
666 Eur - 760D be objektvo.. << +136Eur ir -objektyvas uz kiek daugiau mandybiu bodyje



What is different is the image processor: the 760D and 750D get the latest incarnation of Canon’s DIGIC processor. While the 700D 
has DIGIC 5, the new cameras get DIGIC 6. This brings enhanced autofocus and high ISO performance, among other improvements.

Canon EOS 760D vs 750D vs 700D: 02 Autofocus
While the EOS 700D offers 9 cross-type AF points (f/2.8 at the centre), the 760D and 750D include 19 cross-type AF points (with 
f/2.8 at the centre). That’s the same system used in the 70D.

Additionally, the 760D and 750D feature the latest version of Canon’s Live View autofocus system – Hybrid CMOS AF III – which 
provides focus tracking when using the rear screen. It’s particularly useful for movies, enabling you to smoothly shift the focus 
point in realtime using the Vari-angle touchscreen.

The Hybrid CMOS AF III system used in the 760D/750D is said to be around four times faster than the previous version.

PS. to ciuvo video irgi atlikti su F2.8 kurio kaip ir neturesi su 18-55mm kitiniu objektyvu (prie 55mm F5.6)..

666 Eur - 760D be objektvo.. << +136Eur ir -objektyvas uz kiek daugiau mandybiu bodyje
  35 Eur- http://www.skelbiu.lt/skelbimai/canon-18-55mm-22609747.html
Viso: ~701Eur << t.y. dar proto ribose ... tik kad kaina be jokios akcijos..
pries tris menesius jau galejai turet ir pyskint kainavo ta pati..