>>>> PS. Kas liecia objektyvus - jie lyg ir truputi mazesni.. >>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flange_Focal_Length_(2_types_camera).PNG >> >>> mazesi nes matrica 3/4 kazkuriu ten. >> >> o kazkuriu ten kitu matrica FF, tai ar didesni uz Canon EF-S mount'a? > > kuriu ten FF ir mazesni objektyvai? pasirodo tu FF didesnis uz EF-S ir net EF.. ok, klaidinantis paveiksliukas.. atrode, kad bent ant plastmases tarp stiklu ir bodzio turetu susitaupyt.. kazkaip galvojau, kad tas paveiksliukas bent toki gabarita eliminuoja: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1037218-REG/novoflex_nex_eos_manual_ef_lens_to_sony.html http://cdn.cameradebate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/canon-eos-m-with-18-55-and-adapter-size-comparison1.jpg bet griztant prie pirmuju - matrica 4/3, tai: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_Four_Thirds_system#Micro_Four_Thirds_lenses Because the flange focal distance of Micro Four Thirds cameras are shorter than DSLRs, most lenses are smaller and cheaper. MFT shares the original image sensor size and specification with the Four Thirds system, designed for DSLRs. Unlike Four Thirds, the MFT system design specification does not provide space for a mirror box and a pentaprism, which facilitates smaller body designs and a shorter flange focal distance, and hence smaller lenses. Teoriskai tas "shorter flange focal distance" tarsi leistu "smaller lenses".. Tik pagal gaminamus variantus kazkaip lengvai paklikinus kazkiek neradau patvirtinimo.