Tema: Re: Canon EOS 500D rankinis režimas (M) ir automatinis ISO
Autorius: Gao
Data: 2009-09-26 17:39:02
Pentax turi Sv artai ATv rezimus, pas Canon deja to nera ir nebus.

Pagal Canon logika, jokiu budu fotoaparatas negali padeti fotografui, 
kiekviena kadra pats turi keisti nustatymus.

Juk kam butu reikalingas pvz. programuojamas rezimas, kai fotoapratas 
parinktu aperture, shutter speed ir iso,
atsizvelgiant i objektyvo parametrus, apsvietimo salygu pasikeitima ir t.t. 
Kazkokia nesamone...

"Antanas" <chromatinis@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Ir papildau:
> Wikipedia sako:
> M: Manual mode controls shutter speed and aperture independently.
> Apie ISO nieko neužsimenama.
> Dar vienas:
> http://www.photography-basics.com/2007/03/camera-mode-manual/
> In manual mode you have to set the aperture setting 
> <http://www.photography-basics.com/2007/01/what-is-aperture/> yourself and 
> you have to set the shutter speed 
> <http://www.photography-basics.com/2007/01/what-is-shutter-speed/> setting 
> yourself.
> O kur ISO?