laiskas gryzta atgal :) ir norejau taves paklausti tu ten foto studija pakeitei girdejau, o kas su senaja patapo? Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Unknown user (state 14). -- Volcano skype: Volcano_lt "sansas |" <> wrote in message news:hkfd3t$89k$ Laba, prašė indėti 'liūts-begemots-4x4-manjaks': Paruodamas Canon EOS-3 su brangiais priedas -- pigiai ... nes skubiai Komplekte: - Canon EOS-3 kameros "kunas"; - Power drive booster E1 -- motoras greitam filmavimui (10 kadru i sekunde) su vieta papidomom baterijom; - Battery pack BP-E1 -- papildomu bateriju lakiklis; - Distancinis pultas RS-80N3; - Adapteris senamadishku Canon objektivu (AF/FD); - Firmine instrukcija; - Dovanu -- 24 mm 2.8 Sigma objektyvas. Bukle labai gera. Uz viska -- 600 Litu. Kas zino kiek is tikruju kainuoja -- supras. Visa info čia: 8-646-41856, Vilnius ir apylinkės reik suprast