"Photographers earn a national average of $1,900 for a wedding, though many charge $2,500 to $5,000 for a one-day shoot, client meeting and processing time that runs up to 20 hours or more, and the cost of materials. " - saltinis http://www.marketwatch.com dar: "Wedding photography is like any other art form there is the low end and the high end. Being a wedding photographer and working for Michaelfrancis Photography for 20yrs in the city of toronto.I can tell you that prices for wedding photograhy vary from $2,400.00 to $10,000 plus. There are some american wedding photographers working in major cites that charge $20,000.00 plus. I think Herb Ritts was paid 100,000.00 plus to shoot Liz Taylors wedding. " - wikianswers.com bendra fotografu statistika: "The median expected salary for a typical Photographer in the United States is $53,848. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies. " - http://www1.salary.com/Photographer-salary.html kazkaip nepabasu i tavo paminetus 29k$ :D On 2010.09.23 19:45, Jurgis wrote: > Dėl kainos tai nenusimink. Va, šiandiena vienam užseniečių forume > perskaičiau, kad vidutinis metinis fotografo atlyginimas JAV - 29K$ > Palyginimui teisininkų 113K$, gydytojų 160K$, sistemų administratorių > 113K$.