Tema: Re: Sviesos stulpai
Autorius: Algiokas <algiokas@@yahoo.com>
Data: 2009-12-20 16:51:45
Jau radau
A light pillar is a visual phenomenon created by the reflection of light
from ice crystals with near horizontal parallel planar surfaces. They are
most commonly seen as sun pillars; however, moonlight and strong artificial
light such as street lamps can also form light pillars. The pillar appears
as a feather of light that extends vertically above and/or below the light
source. Most sun pillars are seen when the sun is low on the horizon
(generally no more than 6 degrees above) or just below it
"Algiokas" <algiokas@@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Tie "stulpai" atsiranda nuo bet kokio stipraus apsvietimo , man idomu kaip
> vadinasi sis reiskinys , norisi daugiau suzinoti