Tema: Re: age of conan amzinas trialas
Autorius: Milordas
Data: 2009-12-18 08:03:55
tai kad ten tik saloj ir yra visas geimo grozis, visur kitur teptuko pagailejo dailininkai

"ZeaLot" <mr.rieper@gmail.com.NOSPAM> wrote in message news:hge6dm$sck$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> aishku neblogai, bet sux tas, kad galima bus keltis tik iki 20lvl, o zaisti 
> island of tortage saloj..
> Anyone who downloads, registers, and starts playing the trial before January 
> 1st 2010 will be able to enjoy all of level one to twenty – the entire 
> Island of Tortage experience – without ever having to upgrade to a full 
> account or pay a subscription fee.
> "aaa" <aaa@aaa.lt> wrote in message news:hge652$s3o$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> uzsiregisterinus ir pradejus zaist iki sausio 1d. duodamas amzinas 
>> trialas:
>> http://community.ageofconan.com/wsp/conan/frontend.cgi?func=publish.show&template=content&func_id=3079&table=CONTENT 