Tema: Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC beta launched!
Autorius: ZeaLot
Data: 2010-01-28 21:40:37
REIKIA TURĖTI BETA RAKTĄ! Jei norite žaisti, nes kitaip neprisijungsite prie 

"ZeaLot" <mr.rieper@gmail.com.NOSPAM> wrote in message 
> As you might know, or not know, today was the launch for the new 
> Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta. You can download the game demo on XBOX, 
> and since 1 hour ago also onto your PC. It’s a closed beta, so you still 
> need a beta key in order to play the game. You can search on the internet, 
> or just pre order the game with certain shops. Servers are quite 
> overloaded, but I managed to download the file. Enjoy!
> http://x7.to/1psdd6
> http://nfo.rlslog.net/view/6487
> http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2010/01/28/where-to-download-pc-beta-client.aspx