Smagus zaidimelis visai, bet... uzsipisau! :) Yr ketvirta hydra kuria nukalt reik *Hydra; Difficulty: 12/20 is walkthrough: Anyway, once you get him down to a little over half health, he will collapse on either side. Use circle to grab him with your blades, tap circle to bring him toward the post in the center, and Kratos will slam him against it to break it some. Repeat once to snap the post. Do the cycle one more time, and he will dangle about. Circle will appear above his head, so hit it, do the one button combo, then sit back and watch the sweet FMV. Nu niekaip nesigauna man jos islaikyt. Uzkabinu su kardais, (O knopke) bet pastoviai pabega ir ir spaudineju O, ir vel reik is naujo uzmusinet kol nukrenta. Kas zaidet pamokinkit neprofa :)