Tema: Re: F*** you, PS3 :D :)
Autorius: YZF
Data: 2010-12-10 13:51:41
Skaiciai rodo kas konsole teisinga bet geimai rodo kad konsole neteisinga.


"bullka" <bullka@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> November 2010 NPD Highlights
> The November NPD’s are out for North America, and I’ve got some Xbox 
> related news to share with you:
>    * November marks the sixth consecutive month Xbox 360 leads video game 
> consoles in sales, with 1.37 million units sold. (Source: NPD Group, 
> November 2010)
>    * Xbox 360 is the only console to show double digit year-to-date growth 
> at 42%, making it the fastest-growing console in 2010. (Source: NPD Group, 
> November 2010)
>    * 50% of spending at retail this November (for current generation 
> consoles) was on the Xbox 360 platform.  (Source: NPD Group, November 
> 2010)
>    * During the month of November, four of the top ten console game titles 
> were for Xbox 360 including: Call of Duty: Black Ops, Fable III, Assassin’s 
> Creed Brotherhood, and Halo: Reach. (Source: NPD Group, November 2010)
>    * Call of Duty: Black Ops for Xbox 360 was the number one selling 
> console game in November. (Source: NPD Group, November 2010)
> Skaičiai rodo, kad kol kas Xbox yra teisinga konsolė. Neskaitant visokių 
> išsišokimų (pvz Wii) ir nuopolių, Xbox demonstruoja stabilų augimą.