Tema: Re: WoW'eriams - buvusiems, esamiems ar busimiems :)
Autorius: FurFur
Data: 2011-07-21 11:40:19
siaip viskas teisybe :D

sita prisiminiau ir zvengti balsu pradejau :D

-In Molten Core, behind the boss called Golemagg the Incinerator, there was 
a furnace that dealt a lot of damage (around 3-4k per second) when you get 
close to it. MC raiding guilds used to trick new players, telling them they 
will see Ragnaros when they look into it. Next thing that happens, 15 people 
are instantly dead.

tikrai budavo vienas didziausiu malonumu naujokus ten sukishti :D