Tema: Re: Driver SF - pirmas X360 XGD3 grajus
Autorius: pranZo
Data: 2011-08-31 14:38:35
jeee, aciu, aisiu jtaga uzsikurt :)

"ZeaLot" <mr.rieper@gmail.com.NOSPAM> wrote in message 
> "This is the first game using the new XGD3 format wich currently is not
> readable with any of the common rip drives until new rip fw/tools arrive.
> So here is a GOD container for everyone with a JTAG console"
> http://paste2.org/p/1620437
> http://paste2.org/p/1618892
> * XGD3 - naujas M$ sumastytas formatas, padidinti DVD+DL disko talpai, 
> taipogi taip uzkertant kelia piratavimui. Kol kas tokius grajus galima bus 
> losht tik ant JTAG'u.
> belike laukt LT+ v2.0 :)