Tema: Re: piratams ;)
Autorius: Markuz <(sita trinam)korshun@centras.lt>
Data: 2011-12-09 12:06:58
I used to hack games , then I took an Immortal Fast Scorpion in the knee.

"zZz" <zZz@zirzilia.lt> wrote in message
> Serious Sam is notorious for its insanely over-the-top FPS experience, but
> pirates are getting a little more action than they bargained for. Instead
> of forcing legitimate players to jump through extra hoops, Croteam has
> unleashed a relentless foe to torment the living hell out of pirates.
> Folks with illegal copies of Serious Sam 3: BFE are greeted by ruthless
> invincible mutant scorpion that spawns on the first level. It can't be
> outrun or outgunned, and it certainly can't be reasoned with, to steal a
> line from The Terminator. There is no escape:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e91q5BtlxK0&HD=1