Tema: Re: steamgifts shelioja
Autorius: Dedmytas
Data: 2013-10-09 22:56:52

Steamgifts'uose tu prisijungi su savo Steam account, kuris turi būti vertas 
minimum 100 baksų, renki taškus ir už juos enterini žaidimų atidavimus, o 
atidavimuose jau randomu išrenkamas laimėtojas iš visų enterinusių ir 
giveaway kūrėjas jau turi kažkaip perduoti žaidimo raktą (per Steam, e-mail, 

Apie taškus:

What's with these points?
The point system is designed to prevent users from entering for every single 
giveaway. This lowers the overall number of entries, and provides everyone 
with better odds of winning games they're interested in playing. New users 
start out with 25P. Every time anyone submits a game, every member of the 
site, excluding the giveaway creator, receives 5 percent of that gifts value 
(in USD) in points. For example, if a $50 gift is created, every user on the 
site receives 2.5 points. And, if a $20 gift is created, everyone would 
receive 1 point. These points can then be spent on entering giveaways.
1P = $1 - When entering a giveaway, 1P is equal to $1. If you're entering 
for a chance to win a game valued at $20, you'll spend 20 points. If at 
anytime you decide to remove your entry while the giveaway is open, those 
points will be returned.
The maximum number of points that can be banked is 300. This is to prevent 
users from stocking up on points while being away for long periods of time.

Visa info: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/91wob/faqrules-and-guidelines


"Zyza" <maskatuoklis@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
> Gal galima placiau apie steamgifts ? :)