On 2018-07-23 09:10, Exo wrote: > Kiekvieną kartą kai kas nors ką nors parašo apie NMS, aš laukiu šito > tavo posto, leisk paklausti ar tu durnas ar neėdęs? Tau blet skauda kad > man jis patinka? > > Exo > > Tu nesinervink, postas buvo draugiškai skirtas Lavonui, kad pinigais nesimėtytų. O tu mažiau jį reklamuok, nes šiame grupse tau vieninteliam jis uber super mega cool, daugiau ne vieno susižavėjusio asmens nemačiau per du metus. Nes paskui tavo postus paskaitęs nupirks kas už pilną 55 EUR kainą ir tu liksi kaltas. Šitas geimas vertas 10-15 EUR maksimum. Ir tai tik su sąlyga, jog per porą metų jį pataisė ir papildė updeitais, o starto metu ten buvo grynų gryniausias pirkėjų išdūrimas. Vendertron 95 products in account 20 reviews Not Recommended 5.4 hrs on record POSTED: 1 JULY One year and 11 months after launch, No Man's Sky has gotten a bit better. However, I still cannot recommend this game. It retains the same identity of "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" and fails to provide a satisifying experience to the player. I bought No Man's Sky for the PS4 back when it released. I can't believe I spent $60 back then for an unfinished game. It also doesn't make sense to buy it for $30 now. Twenty dollars or lower would be a much better price for this game, because it can keep you occupied for a good bit of hours, but it won't make you entertained. I unfortunatly bought it for $35 for the sale last summer. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. The technical feats of the game are interesting (18 quintillion planets, probably around a quintillion some systems, and unique plants and animals for each planet) but don't give the game any more substance because the majority of the game has you do the same thing: fly to a planet, take the minerals, go to another planet, mine it, and go to another galaxy, with a miniscule amount of story involved. The soundtrack and graphics are pretty, though. The graphics aren't necessarily "realistic" but have their own unique style. The main purpose of this review to inform people before they make the mistake of shelling out $30 for this like I did. Trust me, you are not missing much. It is a boring game that gets repetitive after a few hours. Give it another year and wait for it to be $15 or $20, then maybe its worth it. Maybe Hello Games will have added more content into the game to make it feel more playable long-term.