Tema: iphone 3g s bluetooth - tiesiog neturi
Autorius: SuperFM
Data: 2010-05-01 09:45:09
turbut jau daug kas zinot, jog mums iprasto normalaus bluetooth ten 
nerasta. charakteristikose yra aprasymas, kad aparatas turi bluetooth. 
turi nebent apple supratimu. 99% iphone vartotoju ten bluetooth nera. is 
pradziu maniau, kad tik mano ragelis pulioja, bet pagooglinus isaiskejo 
staikas: iphono bluetoothas skirtas tik suporuoti su kitu iphonu arba 
bluetooth ausinems. failu perdavimo ir kito populiaraus stuffo 
elementariai nesuportina. zdz tik vienam applui suprantama kastruota 
bluetooth versija. aisku, skaiciau jog nulauzus su tam tikra iranga 
galima pasikurti normalu BT, bet ka daryti omnitelio useriams su metine 

tai tiek, neissidurkit. imho sitas navarotas turetu buti klykiamas kad 
visi girdetu, jog toks aparatas, nepalaiko net pigiausiuose rageliuose 
turimos funkcijos. kaip kazkas inete issireiske "cia tas pats kas 
pardavineti notebooka be usb" pridedu vieno amerikiecio posta sia tema, 
gerulis ;]

I’m really sick and tired of listening to sycophants espousing the 
attributes of an iPhone whose technology is ridiculously under 
developped. People use BT to send files wirelessly in EUROPE and ASIA. 
US well leaves much to be desired as they just discovered SMS. NO I do 
not wish to only have the choice of connecting to the internet only to 
have to share files with my computer. How ridiculously outdated is this 
notion? What happens you simpletons that point that out when there is no 
internet connection. Would you like to pay my 3G bill for sharing my 
file, if so, please leave me your details and I’ll be glad to send you 
the bill. So shut up and LISTEN to what people are asking. NO I did not 
buy an iPhone to play games. I am not a 20 year old with an IQ of a 
chair. I bought it like many others have pointed out on this blog for a 
replacement to my Nokia Eseries and NO this paperweight called an iPhone 
does not even compare to half the features that Nokia or Blackberry 
offers. In today’s day and age, all they had to do was take a Blackberry 
or Nokia Eseries phone and re-engineered it while adding some of the new 
features that iPhone has. But instead gave us nothing more than a 
playstation and touted it to be like a BlackBerry or iPhone. This is not 
the case for the MAC. Moreover, how silly are they that they ask us to 
go and buy a competitor’s office docs when they have a proper office doc 
on their MAC called iWorks? Who does this? It’ll be like Microsoft 
telling people to go and buy Office from a competitor to use on their 
phones. iPhone, for all those sycophants, if you remove your blinders, 
there are phones that are much much much better. Like Samsung or LG 
which have touch screens and all the myriad functions that iPhone 
espouses and have coupled it with the functions of Blackberry and Nokia. 
Had I known this at the time I would have bought either a Samsung or an 
LG but now I’m stuck with this papeweight, and I currently have gone 
back to using my Nokia. Moreover, having 5 pages of emoticons, accounts 
as only 1 APP not each is an app as they are all based on the same app 
“EMOTICONS”. So that to me is already misinformation as there are no 
400,000 apps based on what I described above. Now having 200,000 
mindless games does not constitute a proper app store nor would I want 
an app that tells me my BMI on my iPhone. I want a phone that works as a 
phone that I can access wirelessly with Bluetooth, that allows me to 
reply, forward or cancel an SMS WHILE THE PHONE IS IN A DORMANT STATE 
not simply tell me of the SMS as is the case. So YES as the person 
succinctly put it we are buying a phone circa 1999 in 2010 and that is 
the same as buying a Laptop with no USB because hey, to the moron 
“iphone Developer”, firewire is the technology of the future. So moron, 
what about the entire marketplace that’s still using USB are we supposed 
to play with our genitals until the technology catches up with us. 
Moreover, marketing 101 dictates that you should listen to the 
marketplace and they’re all asking for BT so who are you to argue 
otherwise and you call yourself an iPhone Developer. Let me guess you’re 
in your bloody twenties, mooching off your mother and father sitting 
bare naked in your flat in front of your computer and most likely have 
an IQ of a chair like everyone of your generation.