On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:42:01 +0300, md wrote: > Legendos apacia pilnai uzdengus delnais signalo lygis krenta 15-20 dBm. > > Laikant aparata delne (tipo browsinam) signalo lygis krenta 5-10 dBm. > > Paemus patogiai (taip, kad kalbant nyksciu galima reguliuoti garsa) ir > priglaudus prie ausies signalo lygis praktiskai nekrenta. http://www.anandtech.com/show/3794/the-iphone-4-review/2 zurnabloggeriai jau pamatavo, kad iphawno worst case paemus paciu "blogiausiu" budu yra 24dbm, t.y. netoli to ka matome ir legendoje ar desire del kuriu niekas lyg ir neverke. "Beda" jo pokazometro kreiveje, kuris anot ju -99..-51dbm ribose rodo pilnus 5 pagalius, o like pagaliai anot ju prapuola iki -113dbm po ko nutruksta rysys. Kitaip tariant, tipiska audra stiklineje, nes zmones ziuredami i pokazometra tiki kad supranta ka ten mato: ================================================================ For a while, I've talked about how iOS reports the quality metric with a compressed, optimistic dynamic range. On iOS, 4 bars begins at around -99 to -101 dBm. Three bars sits around -103 dBm, 2 bars extends down to -107 dBm, and 1 bar is -113 dBm. To give you perspective, for a UMTS "3G" plant, -51 dBm is the best reported signal you can get - it's quite literally standing next to, or under a block away from a tower. At the other extreme, -113 dBm is the worst possible signal you can have before disconnecting entirely. With a few exceptions, signal power as low as -107 dBm is actually perfectly fine for calls and data, and below that is where trouble usually starts. However, you can see just how little dynamic range iOS 4 has for reporting signal; over 40% of the range of possible signal levels (from -99 dBm to -51 dBm) is reported as 5 bars. ================================================================ Uztat iphawno juzeriai gali visiem rodyt kaip ju telefonas "gaudo" pilna tinkla ten kur kiti telefonai vargais negalais isstena 60% :) Tiketina, kad fixas bus labai paprastas. Tiesiog pakeis pagaliu svori ir tiek, beigi ides papildoma uzdelsima pries rodant "smunkanti" signala. -- kthxbai.