Tema: Re: reflasinti HTC Desire
Autorius: Arturas | www.langucentras.lt
Data: 2012-01-05 01:55:48
ruu ties 45% stringa
o dabar aplamai nesijungia - laikas JTAG

Artūras Brazas
mob. +370 655 40000
fax:   +370 614 80000
skype: langucentras.lt
web:   www.langucentras.lt
email: arturas@langucentras.lt

"Rrr" <lithinfo@microsoft.com> wrote in message 
> Tai o mato prijungu prie kompo ka nors? Jei taip, tai sakau, sumeti 
> draiveri ir toliau jau no problem.
> "Arturas | www.langucentras.lt" <arturas@langucentras.lt> wrote in message 
> news:jdv3el$n07$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> ooo linkas / dedikuotas ftp :)))
>> aciu tau gerasis zmogau, bet ten reikalu yra daugiau :))
>> -- 
>> ___
>> Artūras Brazas
>> mob. +370 655 40000
>> fax:   +370 614 80000
>> skype: ministerija.lt
>> web:   www.langucentras.lt
>> email: arturas@langucentras.lt
>> "Rrr" <lithinfo@microsoft.com> wrote in message 
>> news:jds64p$758$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> http://ttl.lt/arturas/
>>> Pabandyk pajungt prie kompo ijungta, jei neranda kazkokio draiverio, 
>>> bandyk sumest viena is tu dvieju (nepamenu kuri is tu dvieju, tai 
>>> imeciau abu). Kai draiveriai bus OK, paleisk ta RUU_... ir bandyk 
>>> perflashint i stock'a. Jei nepades, dar gali pabandyt uzsibootint kompa 
>>> is alpharev.iso (http://alpharev.nl/ kaip naudotis, 
>>> desire_stock_splash1.img originalus splashas, nes matysi klauna, kai 
>>> krausis) ir per ten perflashint hboot, o tuomet vel pabandyt ta RUU_... 
>>> Kol kas tiek.
>>> "Rrr" <lithinfo@microsoft.com> wrote in message 
>>> news:jds5i8$692$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>O tai prijungus prie kompo per usb ka nors matai device manageryje, kas 
>>>>nors atsiranda? Jei taip, tai manau neturetu but didele problema. Pats 
>>>>buvau uzlauzes (tiesa nesibootino, bet visokiu .jpg nerode). Jei ka, 
>>>>galiu duot XP draiverius (kuriu reik pajungus per usb, nes pats XP ju 
>>>>nesusiranda) ir Desire stock (originalu ROM + radio).
>>>> "Arturas | www.langucentras.lt" <arturas@langucentras.lt> wrote in 
>>>> message news:jdqkfu$ie8$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> Kas kietais kaiusinais ir gali/nori atgaivinti +- xxlt kur x laisvai 
>>>>> kitamas skaicius :)
>>>>> Reikia atgaivinti - Gavau palikima HTC desire - aka naujas bet 
>>>>> "nekvepuoja" :)
>>>>> ijungus tik viena opcija 4 warning triangles ir HTC logo juodam fone 
>>>>> 1.jpg
>>>>> ijungus usb sekantis 2.jpgJokiu pwr + volume down nerasta
>>>>> Pazaidiau viena vakara - pasiduodu :)
>>>>> Aka zemiau sprendimas - nepraeina man
>>>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10919215&postcount=5
>>>>> Cia dar x+k opciju su aka sprendimais
>>>>> http://boardreader.com/thread/Q_Black_screen_with_htc_logo_and_4_warn_66x2nXo6fl.html
>>>>> Pajungus su Fastboot Comander  - pypia kad ne s-off ir pan errorai
>>>>> Operating system: Windows.
>>>>> Tools folder found.
>>>>> Windows fastboot tools found.
>>>>> The folder containing the IMG files was not found.
>>>>> No Nandroid folder was not found - "Restore" button disabled.
>>>>> -----------------------------------.
>>>>> SPL/hboot version: 0.80.0000.
>>>>> Radio version:
>>>>> Main software version: 1.21.405.2.
>>>>> cid: htc__001.
>>>>> cpld: none.
>>>>> product: bravo.
>>>>> mid: pb9920000.
>>>>> security: on.
>>>>> build-mode: ship.
>>>>> -----------------------------------.
>>>>> Print of device info SUCCESSFUL.
>>>>> This device does not have s-off nor eng hboot.
>>>>> -----------------------------------.
>>>>> Running fastboot command - PLEASE WAIT.
>>>>> An unknown error has occurred while executing the custom command and 
>>>>> the attempt has timed out!.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Artūras Brazas
>>>>> mob. +370 655 40000
>>>>> fax:   +370 614 80000
>>>>> skype: langucentras.lt
>>>>> web:   www.langucentras.lt
>>>>> email: arturas@langucentras.lt