Tema: Re: Softas androido valdymui
Autorius: padugne
Data: 2013-10-14 19:52:47
On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 17:05:04 +0300, andrius wrote:

> On 2013-10-14 16:59, Zilvinas wrote:
>> root... beda. Teks instrukcija rasyt :-(
> na tai yra mokamu (~20lt) kurios girias, kad veikia ir be root'o
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vmlite.vncserver&hl=en
> tik kad veiktu be root'o - reikia serveri androide paleidinet is pc "for
> non-rooted devices, every time after turning the device completely off
> and on, you will have to connect your device to a Windows PC or Mac
> using a USB cable, then run a free desktop program, VMLite Android App
> Controller, to start the server on your device"

Kazko man sitas reikalas atrodo "fishy". Ar tik nebus taip, kad mineta PC 
applikacija yra ne kas kitka kaip root'a pagaminantis toolzas.

Nes seip be crackinimu normalus appsai neturi priejimo prie framebuferio 
ir tuo paciu neimanomas VNC.

Anyway, nesistebek, jei instaliavus sita geri prasides kokios nors 
neaiskios problemos, luzimai ir pan.
