Tema: Re: a-GPS
Autorius: VytautasK
Data: 2009-04-20 20:06:11
HP iPAQ 614C

"NFS_Turbo" <no@emil.com> wrote in message 
> nu tai as ble tau aiskinu:
> http://www.wmexperts.com/articles/gps_vs_agps_a_quick_tutorial.html
> "In fact, Qualcomm, who makes the most popular aGPS chips (called GPSOne) 
> has four different possible configurations for aGPS. How aGPS is actually 
> implemented on the device appears to be up to the device OEM/cellular 
> carriers.
> These four options are:
> Standalone - Your handset has no connection to the network, and uses only 
> the GPS satellite signals it can currently receive to try and establish a 
> location.
> MS Based - Your handset is connected to the network, and uses the GPS 
> signals + a location signal from the network.
> MS Assisted - Your handset is connected to the network, uses GPS signals + 
> a location signal then relays its 'fix' to the server, which then uses the 
> signal strength from your phone to the network towers to further plot your 
> position. You can still maintain voice communication in this scenario, but 
> not 'Internet/Network service' ie Web Browser, IM, streaming TV etc..
> MS Assisted/Hybrid - Same as above, but network functionality remains. 
> Normally only in areas with exceptional coverage. "
> kokiu lygiu bus naudojamas, priklauso nuo aparato gamintojo. sakykim tavo 
> pda, kaip htc aparatai, ima duomenu faila is serverio kiekviena kart, kai 
> tu ji jungi prie kompo, tu gali ir nepastebeti, kad rysys naudojamas, nors 
> ir ne omnitelio. o bet taciau, kalbant apie pilnaverti agps, tai rysys 
> reikalingas nuolat.
> atkreipk demesi, as niekur neskiau, kad koordinates bus gaunamos 
> internetu. betkokiu atveju, yra gps imtuvas gaudyti satelitu signalams.
> kitavertus, kazkodel esi isitikines, kad tavo aparatas su agps yra pats 
> agps`iskiausias pasaulyje. nors gal jis stovi pirmame laiptelyje, ir agps 
> ten tik uzrasas.
> taigi, koks tavo aparatas, ir kokias agps funkcijas jis atlieka?
> "VytautasK" <vytautask.nesiukslint@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:gsi7ts$nqr$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Nu tai ble tu man paaiskink, kodel mano PDA naviguojant neprisuka mb i
>> omnitelio saskaita? As specialiai nieko neiskunginejau. Gal vistik ne
>> internetu duomenis apie koordinates gauna?