tik reiktų nepainioti nukalkinimo ir valymo. nukalkinimui citrinos rūgštis manau tiks (neatsakau už sugadinimus, be abejo) o normaliam valymui (kavos "purvo" nukrapštymas) jau galima ir valymo tabletes imt. kiek pamenu nukalkinimo ir valymo yra atskiros programos ir atskira chemija "bzik" wrote in message news:mtu6fi$shf$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... internetai sako: A good cleaning solution will contain the necessary ingredients to break down grime and remove oils and stains. To properly clean a coffee machine, our products contain three main ingredients: Surfactant: a cleaning agent for dissolving and removing dirt, oil and grease. Builder/Water Softener: This ingredient reduces minerals to soften hard water and help cleaning agent/surfactant target dirt particles. Dissolving Agent: An agent that releases oxygen as it dissolves to help remove stains. Print Vinegar is widely viewed as a good tool to clean and descale coffee machines, but you should NOT use it! Vinegar only gently breaks down some hard water deposits that remain and does not target and remove coffee oils the way a professionally formulated coffee machine cleaner does. "buakaw" wrote in message news:mtlvoe$gmv$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... Sveiki, ar galima automatini kavos aparata delonghi ecam 44.660 nukalkinti su citrinos rugstimi arba actu? ar tai nesugadins aparato? ar reikia pikrti specialu nukalkinimo skysti?