Tema: KA daryti ??? Mano gyvybei gresia pavojus
Autorius: Saulenas
Data: 2010-07-14 18:46:53

How are you doing, hope everything is moving fine. My name is Smith Kelvin 
i was born in Jamaica but i live my like in street of state in United State 
of America, i dont need to tell you my age all am meant to do is to tell you 
what is going on am an hired killer so i am sent to kill so you all your 
details has been given to me by the person that sent me to  assassinate you, 
I also dont need to tell you the person's name now. I have many of your 
details here with me but if only you can pay for it just little money and  i 
will send  it to you all. The person that sent me to kill you is meant to 
pay me an amount of $10,000 but for now he has paid me an amount of 7,000USD 
so once i finish the job i mean once i have killed you he will then pay me 
the remaining 3,000USD but i want you to believe that i have sent my BOYS to 
watch after you anywhere you are going, dont believe the COPS OF FBI AND 911 
can handle this cos they can never catch me and my gangs, i have sent some 
BOYS to you they are all around where you are, i take a look at your pics 
and pity you i dont want you to Die now okay But if you also dont want me to 
kill you that is easy just that you are going to follow the steps below.....

 1) You will pay me an amount of $3,000 through western union money transfer 

Secondly after you have paid me an gonna send you all the details and 
everything about you but if you dont don that am gonna prove the kind of 
person in am....

2) You will get out of the area you are staying for some time and i will 
tell one of my gang to bring you a Video TAPE that will consist of what me 
and the person who send me to kill you discuss about and i will also send 
you the person name so after that you could report the person to the police 
and you could be free.

 I want you to call me on this mobile cos i usually hide in United Kingdom, 
here is the mobile below     +446-789-304-7464 call me now if you have any 
question to ask about it. But if you call me and the number isn't going well 
mail me your number so i could call you.

        Awaiting your response As Soon As Possible.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WISH YOU GOOD 