Tema: Re: Ne humour: Raffaelis Bendanis, zemes drebejimas, Italija, Ispanija.
Autorius: Ethera
Data: 2011-05-14 01:15:11

Why I rather listen to atheists and science driven people...

I can count on them to not believe in magic.
I can be sure that they will take full responsibility for their actions and 
not blame it on Satan or God.
I will know that they understand the laws of physics.
I can feel safe in knowing that true history is in consideration.
I feel safe in knowing that reason and rationality will be their Ideology.
Atheists most likely will lack dogma.
I know that an Atheist would not try to hurt me because of my atheism.
They can be the voice of reason in a sea of delusion.
Their morality is based on cause and effect, not some threat of torture.
They have been educated or they have educated themselves in critical 
Indoctrination did not take hold of them.
Atheists have a healthy view of sexuality, not some sick perverted view, 
forced upon them by religion.
They understand the human brain and why people are capable of abandoning 
reason and rationality
They understand that dualism is a primitive understanding of oneself.
They realize that science is the key to our understanding of ourselves and 
the world

"Stilius" <nera@ne.lt> wrote in message 
> "Ethera" <naras@irishsetter.lt> wrote in message 
> news:iqjts9$9nm$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> tu rimtai juokauji... su kuria dalimi infos as nepazystamas? prasau
>> pastebeti, kad jei faktai neatitinka tikroves arba yra tiesiog ishmislas 
>> tai
>> toli grazu nera "info" su kuria reiketu susipazinti..
>> 2) tfutas siaip jei neziuresi i filmukus kuriuose jis klausia kaip taip
>> galima drabstytis, pateikia labai zodis po zodzio kretinu oi atsiprasau
>> krecionistu sudirbima remdamasis faktais (ar tu sitoj vietoj 
>> pasidrabstyma
>> jauti? tada uzuojautos)
> Tai tikriausiai ant tu ir pataikiau :-) Jo naudojami info pateikimo budai; 
> kartojimas, nesuderinamu dalyku gretinimas, staigus minties pakeitimas. Jo 
> "irodymai" primena labiau itaiga, nei faktu destyma. Turiu alergija taip 
> destomai info nuo durnadezes ziurejimo laiku.
>> 3) aronra hb dr jei ka savo srityje (ir dinozaureliai jo sritis jei ka), 
>> o
>> kurio kalno ir kokios skulptureles ishkasamos galeciau pasiteirauti? 
>> idomu
>> paziureti butu..
> Cia yra: ????????? ???? ???????. Peru ir Bolivija.
> Dar yra TV laidos ru ?????????????? ???????. Bet sitos geriau neziuret, 
> alergizuoja labiau nei Thunderf00t'as. :-)