Tema: Re: Meme-menas
Autorius: Toxis
Data: 2011-05-28 11:11:12
tiesiog ish particle physics ir kvantines mechanikos daugiausiai anekdotu 
esu uzhtikes, kurie trumpuchiai, bet verchiantys nusishypsot. Kodel? matyt 
todel, kad kvantine mechanika yra pakankamai naujas mokslas...
Tiesa pasakius apie ta pati shriodingeri didzhioji dalis internautu zhino ne 
del jo lygchiu, o butent del jo komishko kates pavyzdzhio norint parodyti 
superpozicijos keistuma (buvau parashes kvailuma, bet, nors pats 
shriodingeris ja laike fikcija, dabar tampa aishku, kad ji visgi tiesiog per 
keista musu viduriniam pasauliui=)...
specialiai tau, pavizdys, kur norint suprast pokshta reikia zhinot apie ka 
eina kalba:)
If Richard Feynman applied for a job at Microsoft

Interviewer: "Now comes the part of the interview where we ask a question to 
test your creative thinking ability. Don't think too hard about it, just 
apply everyday common sense, and describe your reasoning process."

"Here's the question: Why are manhole covers round?"

Feynman: "They're not. Some manhole covers are square. It's true that there 
are SOME round ones, but I've seen square ones, and rectangular ones."

Interviewer: "But just considering the round ones, why are they round?"

Feynman: "If we are just considering the round ones, then they are round by 
definition. That statement is a tautology."

Interviewer: "I mean, why are there round ones at all? Is there some 
particular value to having round ones?"

Feynman: "Yes. Round covers are used when the hole they are covering up is 
also round. It's simplest to cover a round hole with a round cover."

Interviewer: "Can you think of a property of round covers that gives them an 
advantage over square ones?"

Feynman: "We have to look at what is under the cover to answer that 
question. The hole below the cover is round because a cylinder is the 
strongest shape against the compression of the earth around it. Also, the 
term "manhole" implies a passage big enough for a man, and a human being 
climbing down a ladder is roughly circular in cross-section. So a 
cylindrical pipe is the natural shape for manholes. The covers are simply 
the shape needed to cover up a cylinder."

Interviewer: "Do you believe there is a safety issue? I mean, couldn't 
square covers fall into the hole and hurt someone?"

Feynman: "Not likely. Square covers are sometimes used on prefabricated 
vaults where the access passage is also square. The cover is larger than the 
passage, and sits on a ledge that supports it along the entire perimeter. 
The covers are usually made of solid metal and are very heavy. Let's assume 
a two-foot square opening and a ledge width of 1-1/2 inches. In order to get 
it to fall in, you would have to lift one side of the cover, then rotate it 
30 degrees so that the cover would clear the ledge, and then tilt the cover 
up nearly 45 degrees from horizontal before the center of gravity would 
shift enough for it to fall in. Yes, it's possible, but very unlikely. The 
people authorized to open manhole covers could easily be trained to do it 
safely. Applying common engineering sense, the shape of a manhole cover is 
entirely determined by the shape of the opening it is intended to cover."

Interviewer (troubled): "Excuse me a moment; I have to discuss something 
with my management team."

(Leaves room.)


(Interviewer returns after 10 minutes)

Interviewer: "We are going to recommend you for immediate hiring into the 
marketing department."

"RimGe" <rimgaudasTIKRAS@lietus.Kom> wrote in message 
> noriu bajeriu apie kvantine mechanika! arba fizika! arba diferencialine 
> geometrija! arba harmonine ir funkcionaline analize! bet tokiu tikrai 
> rimtu, kad butu reikalingos minimalios zinios apie tenzorius, rymano 
> metodus elipsinem, parabolinem ar hiperbolinem lygtim, laplasiano ir 
> jakobiano skaiciavimus su integrodiferencialiniais koeficientais ir pan. 
> =] kazkodel visi, na gerai, 99 is 100, noredami pabrezt sudetinguma, kaip 
> pavyzdi pateikia kvantine mechanika ar fizika =] nu kvantine mechanika, ir 
> ka? =]
> "Toxis" <toxis@nt_lietuvisko.tako> wrote in message 
> news:iripcn$oin$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> pala, taip gaunasi, kad jei kazhko nesupranti, tai jau nehumoras? Tai 
>> visi gykishki anekdotai, pagal tamstos definicija yra nebeanekdotai, nes 
>> norint juos suprasti reikia tureti bent minimalias zhinias apie sakykim 
>> kvantine mechanika ar fizika? Tada, kolega, siulau jums tiesiu taikymu 
>> sholiuoti I o.humour ir megautis p. pauliaus metomais shedevrais ish 
>> juoko virtuozo zavaliausko ir nosies knyguchiu - "fezdec kaip juokinga 
>> '96"...
>> humoro jausmas toks jau dalykas, arba ji turi, arba ne. Kas del meme'u 
>> humoro, didzhioji dalis ju yra paremti bendrazhmogishkais atitinkamu 
>> grupiu patyrimais (kuo beja buvo zhymus toks carlin'as). Ir tiesa 
>> pasakius nebutina but to pachiam patyrus, kad jie butu juokingi, tam yra 
>> toks dalykas kaip empatija. Taip, visus juos suprast (ypach pun'us) 
>> reikia shiek tiek didesniu nei minimalios anglu kalbos zhiniu, taigi tai 
>> gali buti taip pat problema. ir taip, visko gali but, kad su metais 
>> uzhauges koks polipas shiknoj gali nuslopint humoro jausma ir/ar tiesiog 
>> aptariamu pixu juokinguma, bet, bent jau kiek zhinoma man, jie tikrai 
>> tinkami zhmonems iki 34 metu (and counting)...
>> "miegapele" <svinas69@gmail.comm> wrote in message 
>> news:irimvj$klb$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> o cia jau humoru pakvipo "juokinti tik juos zinanciam"
>>> kitam humorui berods ir as per senas
>>> "pranZo" <pranas@gabija.net> wrote in message 
>>> news:irimt6$kgu$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> nebutinai per senas. kiekvienam savo.
>>>> ir nebutinai juoktis. tiesiog zmogus is "meme"
>>>> pasigamino visai smagiai atrodancius paveikslus.
>>>> be abejo, kurie labiau juokingi tik juos zinanciam.
>>>> "klwn" <klwn@inbox.lt> wrote in message 
>>>> news:irilvo$j1h$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> nu nz.. arba as per senas tokiam jumorui.. arba per senas...  is 10 
>>>>> picksu .. nu vienas i humor tema..
>>>>> sorry uz atviruma.. bet... gal as kazko cia nesuprantu, kurioj vietoj 
>>>>> cia reiktu juoktis?
>>>>> "pranZo" <pranas@gabija.net> wrote in message 
>>>>> news:iridgs$5mf$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> "pranZo" <pranas@gabija.net> wrote in message 
>>>>>> news:iriddm$5h2$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> -- 
> Kuo daugiau turi rysiu, tuo labiau jautiesi supanciotas.