Lithuania in fourth at 1,462KBps: "The average worldwide download speed is 580KBps, placing the U.S. only slightly ahead of the pack with an average speed of 616KBps. While South Korea leading the list with a blazingly fast average speed of 2,202KBps may not come as much of a surprise, the small eastern European nations of Romania (1,909KBps) and Bulgaria (1,611KBps) unexpectedly claimed the second and third highest speeds. In fact, eastern European nations dominated the top of the list with Lithuania in fourth at 1,462KBps, Latvia in fifth at 1,377KBps and Ukraine in eighth at 1,190KBps. The completion rate for measured downloads closely correlates with average speed, South Korea again taking top prize with a 94% completion rate and most of the other speedy countries not far behind."