Sveiki, Vienas is mano useriu savarankiskai deliojo failus i PST (Outlook 2007). Finale PST per didelis, atidarant ar bandant prikabinti prie mailo sako "The file xx has reached its maximum size. To reduce the amount of data in this file, select some items you no longer need, then permanently (shift+del) delete them." Viskas teisingai, bet... Bandziau M$ ieskoti, atsisiunciau pora toolsu (PST2GB.exe) truncatinimui ir recoverinimui. Truncateris kaip ir veikia, bet po to recoverinant patruncatinta faila metasi erroras ir finale naujasis PST neskaitomas. Please help, jeigu kas kadanors susidurete su tuom, nes useris didelis ir ikyrus :-) Aciu! Linas