Tema: Re: Navigacija jachtai.
Autorius: amenox
Data: 2010-06-01 17:54:26
Nuo zemelapiu priklauso:

By Sea

In marine mode, the GPSMAP 620 provides 3-D MarinerEye view above the 
waterline, FishEye view below the waterline, and auto guidance technology 
that searches chart data to suggest the best passage with optional 
BlueChart® g2 Vision® data. And you’ll always get the big picture with a 
worldwide basemap that comes standard on the GPSMAP 620. The GPSMAP 620 is 
also NMEA 0183 compliant, so it can be easily added to an existing marine 
network. And with access to fishing charts, tide and current data, marine 
services, coastal roads and more via optional BlueChart g2 Vision data, you’ll 
always be in the know while you’re on the water.

"Miegapele" <svinas69@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> nea. higway rezimas kuomet uzidedi nuo tasko iki tasko linija ir nurodai 
> leistina ploti, judant rodo kiek nukrypes nuo tos linijos, ir kokiu kursu 
> reikia laikytiss norint i ji sugrysti.
> "bigman" <bigman@gmail.lt> skrev i melding 
> news:hu2o68$g3i$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> On 2010.05.31 13:07, Miegapele wrote:
>>> Reikalingas kartploteris ar tai atitinkama navigacija jachtai. Baltija,
>>> sisures jura. Lengvai pasiekiami(randami nete zemelapiai), highway 
>>> rezimas,
>>> pilnai atspari vandeniui. Kas ka rekomenduosit?
>> Jei reikia HIGHWAY ( kaip suprantu  - naudoti ir automobilyje)  - tai 
>> nebent sitas:
>> http://www.gps-shop.lt/gps-navigacija/juriniai-navigatoriai/garmin-gpsmap-620.html?lang=2
>> O zemelapiai bus tokie - ka i ji isidesi.
>> Nors ir Polinezija ar kokie Galapagai.