Sveiki Nesusitvarkaus su prisijungimu per pdo_odbc prie sybase db. sybase 9 0 2 po windows, php ant linux (isbandziau kelis hostus su linux,freebsd). jungiamasi unixODBC, draiveri freetds4.2 per shella veikia - executinasi queriai, grysta atsakymai kai tuos pat querius leidziu per php - rezultatas liudnas - apache loge Segmentation fault. Brausery atsakymas HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. nors freetds dump'e matosi, kad queris nuejo, atsakymas grizo, bet nesekme paciam paskutiniam etape - php. Gal gas uzvesit ant teisingo takelio kaip sprest beda?