-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Bronco rašė: > Ir dar vienas toks niuansiukas, jog bet kuri F35 modifikacija > pamato s300/400 anksčiau, nei juos pamato minėti "net analogov" > ginklai ir... daugiau nebėra apie ką šnekėti. Viskas baigta. Nes > F35 ir neskirtas http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Nebo-SVU-Analysis.html F35 ryškaus privalumo prieš S300/S400 kompleksų VHF radarus nematomumo/aptinkamumo prasme veikiausiai neturi. Pačioje pabaigoje yra kelios pastraipos, paaiškinančios fiziką, prieš kurią tikėjimu technologiniu pranašumu nepakovosi: „For instance, let us consider the F-35 JSF in the 2 metre band favoured by Russian VHF radar designers. From a planform shaping perspective, it is immediately apparent that the nose, inlets, nozzle and junctions between fuselage, wing and stabs will present as Raleigh regime scattering centres, since the shaping features are smaller than a wavelength. Most of the straight edges are 1.5 to two wavelengths in size, putting them firmly in the resonance regime of scattering. Size simply precludes the possibility that this airframe can neatly reflect impinging 2 metre band radiation away in a well controlled fashion. The only viable mechanism for reducing the VHF band signature is therefore in materials, especially materials which can strongly attenuate the induced electrical currents in the skins and leading edges. The physics of the skin effect show that the skin depth is minimised by materials which have strong magnetic properties. The unclassified literature is replete with magnetic absorber materials which have reasonable attenuation performance at VHF band, but are very dense, and materials which require significant depth to be effective if lightweight. The problem the JSF has is that it cannot easily carry many hundreds of pounds of low band absorber materials in an airframe with borderline aerodynamic performance. Some technologies, such as laminated photonic surface structures might be viable for skins, but the experimental work shows best effect in the decimetric and centimetric bands. Thickness again becomes an issue. The reality is that in conventional decimetric to centimetric radar band low observable design, shaping accounts for the first 10 to 100 fold reduction in signature, and materials are used to gain the remainder of the signature reduction effect. In the VHF band shaping in fighter sized aircraft is largely ineffective, requiring absorbent materials with 10 to 100 fold better performance than materials currently in use. In the world of materials, getting twice the performance out of a new material is considered good, getting fivefold performance exceptional, and getting 100 fold better performance requires some fundamental breakthrough in physics.“ Taigi, F35'us veikiausiai mato ir mato pakankamai gerai, kad galėtų numušti, o kodėl nenumuša (be to, kad kritinio poreikio—grėsmės numušti nėra; jų bazių juk neatakuoja ir veikiausiai lanku aplenkia), tai visa aibė priežasčių-stabdžių, pradedant tuo, kad nesijaučia ir negali įsijausti jie ten šeimininkais, kad ir kaip vidaus rinkoje transliuojama, nes tai reikštų jau visai rimtas konfrontacijas, kurias normalizuoti būtų labai sunku (numušus F35 ir atsakomuoju praradus S400 kompleksą ar apšaudžius bazę, be dar didesnio erzelio politinėje arenoje, sankcijų, neišvengiamai sektų revanšas (veido atstatymas, dar įnirtingesnis įsitraukimas) liuboi cenoij ir tą visi supranta/įvertina, todėl bet koks potencialus incidentas, spėčiau, marinamas koordinavimu/susitarimais dar jo tikimybės užuomazgoje) Kas šiaip įdomu, tai: „The display system software for the operator consoles and interfacing to the array management processor (array control) was developed initially in the 2000 to 2002 timeframe, using COTS software and hardware, specifically Intel architecture, Linux and С/С++ high level languages, and Xlib, Xt, Xaw, Qt libraries/toolkits. This is the same basic technology used in state of the art US military equipment for this purpose. This also supports NNIIRT claims that the 1L119 is a fully digital system.“ Žodžiu: be pindosinių, prognivščevo zapada technologijų ir S400 neapsieina (įdomu ar mosfet'ai antenose-stiprintuvuose rusų gamybos)... -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJZMg+kAAoJEIGZp48fbGsm3HsP/RGtAT+ZQk1PWPydhqmUBfBG 7BA7mPOxSY+zLyu386vuG1/iceUa7NUNmzWr9OIIk2V90wDPVcoacKt0rVYSe37E b9VafontT5Y+ZPisuJ1/JJKbtIYK41VsWJPbq73Prt/SWEu4/EQxiu8vL8LGYvLK 6Gmoj4iLQVV2QCwHwC0YuQd7Vyzy6VbNNaKcyYFkGaXAxgWK9MfWCR5cKwntmM/0 6YcSohuKXyjAyDIRfpXIOLvKYpHNjumRbodt91JrL0gCLgCNfkBc65fp48VnIdFS gep7xR8Ci18CP1WUb6vnOGpaQUzbLWW07x9SOEw52EYOBCkW4m84PpjrRTNmD0+Y wtJnMCVoGeWD4SZ/sgGrYfOPXlz5WKX55kE7vnp9DvK2GfnTBVnPBXZo76RPvLgF T3gLUxa88WLV6WaCuVXaRZV4p72I3XZrdKcqO7AnysMjWUC4gwvgW26uAepdPER/ T/OmM5A38amA8syOALnuV2dXf26hw+ecgaxCSLoDobPDLFQaOg/5IZCZTaQ8B9yg 3xVB0bSsCQLyzNJ9akDO5Ayb3ODzmjtLjPEax/WRj7zRtHp2ak8NOOIDWOKdTbrV 034HhhFkXBYvf7NOtTwvrbfACUJp3Q0WmFmcoMRnsENwp46S3hyv5RP/CMQVxXkt rA2jci2++BcspRpFIbAs =We5h -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----