Tema: Re: bombos, ak, fura, mikrikas, opelis, peilis, plaktukas
Autorius: mustafa
Data: 2017-06-06 21:42:34
The attackers killed 130 people,

including 89 at the Bataclan theatre.

Another 368 people were injured,

almost 100 seriously.

Seven of the attackers also died,

while the authorities continued to search for accomplices.[3] The attacks 
were the deadliest on France since World War II,[14][15] and the 
deadliest in the European Union since the Madrid train bombings in 2004.
[16] France had been on high alert since the January 2015 attacks on 
Charlie Hebdo offices and a Jewish supermarket in Paris that killed 17 
people and wounded 22, including civilians and police officers

Bone Daddy wrote:

> fignia tie musulmonų teroristai. trise 7 . .
> Tovarišč Jegorov odnim udarom 9.
> Galbūt jis anūkas to Jegorovo, kur ant Reichstago pakabino Pergalės
> vėliavą.
> "mustafa"  wrote in message news:oh6rkg$bht$5@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> per visus eu/us/ru/cn/jp kanalus kas valanda triedzia apie teroristus.
> Bronco wrote:
>> On 2017-06-06 20:41, mustafa wrote:
>>> ar stebime Jewropos zlugima?
>> Ne, perjungėme kanalą ir stebime rusijos žlugimą. Ženkliai įdomiau, nes
>> veiksmas vyksta kokis 20x sparčiau. Geriau tinka prie čipsų su alumi.