> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kauno_gr%C5%ABdai_lesalai_antibiotikai.jpg Kaip bebutu, bet lyg ir E716 neturetu buti naudojamas.. ir jau senokai.. panasu, kad Kauno Grudai ciulpia.. kartu su tais, kurie turetu kontroliuot.. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-02-66_en.htm 3. Which antibiotics are being prohibited? The Commission proposal for a new regulation on feed additives withdraws the authorisations of the four antibiotic feed additives that are still on the EU market as of January 2006. They are monensin sodium, salinomycin sodium, <<<<<<<<<<< !!!!! avilamycin, flavophospholipol. (see annex for details). These four antibiotic substances are not currently used in medicines for humans thus avoiding that an antibiotic drug used to cure humans is not efficient because the person it is administered to might have developed an anti-microbial resistance.