Tema: Re: programuotojo CV pavyzdys [50 KB]
Autorius: Rimantas Liubertas
Data: 2010-03-17 00:58:58
> Per tą laiką gali galvoti. Ar nepagalvojai?

In my years at Bell Labs, we worked in two-person offices. They were 
spacious, quiet, and the phones could be diverted. I shared my office 
with Wendl Thomis who went on to build a small empire as an electronic 
toy maker. In those days, he was working on the ESS fault dictionary. 
The dictionary scheme relied upon the notion of n-space proximity, a 
concept that was hairy enough to challenge even Wendl's powers of 
concentration.	One afternoon, I was bent over a program listing while 
Wendl was staring into space, his feet propped up on the desk.	Our boss 
came in and asked, "Wendl! What are you doing?" Wendl said,
"I'm thinking." And the boss said, "Can't you do that at home?"

Iš Tom DeMarco ir Timothy Lister „Peopleware“. Turėtų būti privalomi
skaitiniai bet kuriam vadovui dirbančiam su "knowledge workers". Tik
deja, daugelis tebėra įstrigę baudžiavos laikuose, tai 1987 jiems išauš
dar negreitai :(
