Tema: Re: C#, ComboBox, DropDown
Autorius: none
Data: 2010-05-23 01:24:09
Čia offtopic, bet čia toks produkcijoje?

Messages.Error ("DataGridView (" + c.DataGridView.Name + ") combo column (" 
        c.Name + ") value type (" + c.ValueType.ToString () +
        ") does not match binded DataTable value type (" + 
table.Columns[0].DataType.ToString () +
        ")!\r\n\r\nPlease contact support!");

"Jornada Del Muerto" <ask@me.email> wrote in message 
> "zZz" <zZz@zirzilia.lt> wrote in message 
> news:ht085a$1gv$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Turiu ComboBox'ą, kurio DataSource'as yra DataView (filtruoja reikšmes
>> ComboBox.DisplayMember like '%ComboBox.Text%').
>> Kaip padaryti, kad ComboBox'as po DropDown įvykio parinktų pirmą reikšmę 
>> iš
>> sąrašo ir nepakeistų Text'o? :)
> Sveiks,
>    Jei gerai supratau problema tai, mano controlas toki metoda turi (tiesa 
> by default pas mane visose select uzklausose grazinamas ID, NAME,... 
> laikomasi kad pirmas laukas visada bus ID, antras pavadinimu - combo 
> atveju jis visada vaizduojamas kaip tekstas combo):
> public class AlphaDataGridView : DataGridView, ISelectableDbItem
> {
>  #region Methods
>  /// <summary>
>  ///
>  /// </summary>
>  /// <param name="index">Datagridview column index</param>
>  /// <param name="table">Table</param>
>  public void LoadColumnCombo (int index, DataTable table)
>  {
>   if (table != null &&
>    index < Columns.Count)
>   {
>    if (Columns[index] is DataGridViewComboBoxColumn &&
>     table.Columns.Count > 1)
>    {
>     DataGridViewComboBoxColumn c =
>      (DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)Columns[index];
>     // if we have datasource
>     if (DataSource != null)
>     {
>      // Valid only for data binded DataGridViews which have DataTable 
> assigned
>      if (c.ValueType != table.Columns[0].DataType)
>      {
>       Messages.Error ("DataGridView (" + c.DataGridView.Name + ") combo 
> column (" +
>        c.Name + ") value type (" + c.ValueType.ToString () +
>        ") does not match binded DataTable value type (" + 
> table.Columns[0].DataType.ToString () +
>        ")!\r\n\r\nPlease contact support!");
>       // Do nothing then!
>       return;
>      }
>     }
>     c.DataSource = table;
>     c.ValueMember = table.Columns[0].ColumnName;
>     c.DisplayMember = table.Columns[1].ColumnName;
>    }
>   }
>  }