pradiniai duomenys (binary) reikia 02 pakeist į 13 ir gražinti į DB 0x000000000000000000000100(02)000000A7BC DECLARE @StrLength int DECLARE @x VARBINARY(100); SET @x = (select Data from [ DB] where strname like '%qqq%' and ndataid = 13936) --select @x AS 'Pradiniai duomenys' DECLARE @y varchar (MAX); SET @y = (select master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(@x)) DECLARE @StrNew varchar (MAX) SET @StrLength = (select LEN(@y)) SET @StrNew = (select ((select substring(@y, 0, 27)) + '13' + (select right(@y, @StrLength - 28)))) DECLARE @p VARBINARY (100) set @p = (SELECT CAST('' AS XML).value('xs:hexBinary( substring(sql:variable("@StrNew"), sql:column("T.i")) )', 'varbinary(max)') FROM (SELECT CASE SUBSTRING(@StrNew, 1, 2) WHEN '0x' THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) AS T(i)) --select @p AS 'Pakeisti' UPDATE [InnerRangeInsight].[dbo].[TData] SET [Data] = @p, --[bDirty] = 1 WHERE strname like '%qqq%' and ndataid = 13936 --select (select Data from [InnerRangeInsight].[dbo].[TData] where strname like '%qqq%' and ndataid = 13936) AS 'po keitimo is DB' rezultatas 0x000000000000000000000100(13)000000A7BC