Tema: Re: oracle recursive trigger
Autorius: ledasl
Data: 2010-08-12 16:11:14
after insert.

kad nerekomenduoja tai skaiciau, deja neparaso, kaip tai padaryti duomenu 
bazes priemonem, be trigerio..

"2x50" <tlchj61@gmail.com> wrote in message 
>o trigeris after insert ar before insert?
> Beje, is oracle dokumentacijos (priespaskutinis punktas)
> Designing Triggers
> Use the following guidelines when designing your triggers:
>  a.. Use triggers to guarantee that when a specific operation is 
> performed, related actions are performed.
>  b.. Do not define triggers that duplicate features already built into 
> Oracle Database. For example, do not define triggers to reject bad data if 
> you can do the same checking through declarative integrity constraints.
>  c.. Limit the size of triggers. If the logic for your trigger requires 
> much more than 60 lines of PL/SQL code, it is better to include most of 
> the code in a stored procedure and call the procedure from the trigger.
>  d.. Use triggers only for centralized, global operations that should be 
> fired for the triggering statement, regardless of which user or database 
> application issues the statement.
>  e.. Do not create recursive triggers. For example, creating an AFTER 
> UPDATE statement trigger on the Emp_tab table that itself issues an UPDATE 
> statement on Emp_tab, causes the trigger to fire recursively until it has 
> run out of memory.
>  f.. Use triggers on DATABASE judiciously. They are executed for every 
> user every time the event occurs on which the trigger is created.
> "ledasl" <asai@pastas.lt> wrote in message 
> news:i40q6i$af4$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> yra table A (id int, reverse int)
>> daro komanda insert into A (1, 2)
>> trigeryje, reikia kad padarytu insert into A(2, 1)
>> o ciklas gaunasi butent ant to insert into A(2, 1), nes anie duomenys dar 
>> nepakomitinti ir nematomi, o sitas insertas vel iskviecia ta pati 
>> trigeri.
>> "Jornada Del Muerto" <agira@TRINTIgmx.co.uk> wrote in message 
>> news:i40pm1$9mm$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>    Neesu specas del oraklo, bet su rekursijom teke nemazai susidurt, 
>>> logiskai mastant:
>>>    1. Jeigu vyksta insert -> aktyvuot triggeri;
>>>    2. Trigeris atlieka insert --> GOTO 1.
>>>    Tu cia padarai greiciausia amzina cikla, nors nezinau salygu, jei tau 
>>> reikia tik 1 lygio triggerio, tai teks mastyti buda tai patikrinti, 
>>> kazkokia logika, speju kai insertini su trigeriu kazkoki nauja irasa del 
>>> to kad vyko insertas, tas kuriamas irasas igauna kazkoki reference ID to 
>>> iraso del kurio suveike triggeris, jeigu taip tai sukurt lentele kurioje 
>>> butu tokiu insertinamu reference ID ir tada triggeris tikrinasi per ja 
>>> ar ten nera tokio ID, jei randa tai neatlieka inserto ir nutraukia 
>>> amzina cikla, o tuos ID poto gali valyt, dar cia tranzakcija nekenktu.
>>> "ledasl" <asai@pastas.lt> wrote in message 
>>> news:i40nl5$70m$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Sveiki,
>>>> ar imanoma ant oracle 10g trigeryje nustatyti kurio lygio rekursijoj 
>>>> jis
>>>> yra?
>>>> Problema, kad reikia ideti i lentele insert'o metu ideti dar viena 
>>>> irasa,
>>>> tai darant per insert trigeri gaunasi gilus ciklas iki kol numirsta del 
>>>> per
>>>> gilios rekursijos.
>>>> Kadangi irasa reikia prideti tik viena, zinant rekursijos gyli galima
>>>> sustabdyti ir toliau nebeiterpinteti, bet neaisku, kaip gauti kuriam 
>>>> dabar
>>>> iskvietime tas trigeris yra.
>>>> diseiblinti pacio trigerio neleidzia, nei is jo, nei is iskvieciamos
>>>> proceduros, ar funkcijos.