> new S7Anypointer((int)1, (int)1, (int)131,(int)0, (int)100, (int)0)); > /*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Bit number 0 ..7*/ > /*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Memory area offset*/ > /*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––DB number or ’0’*/ > /*–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Memory area 131 == M*/ > /*––-––––––––––-––––––––––––––Repetition factor 1 .. n*/ > /*––––––––––––––––––Data type 5 == INT*/ (...) > Nezinau, ka reiskia ir automatikai nepasako, kas turi buti Repetition factor, Memory area, Bit number Kažkada realizavau kelias ModBus funkcijas, pasirodė panašu. Kodėl dar neskaitei apie architektūrą Krušimosi Manuale? http://cache.automation.siemens.com/dnl/jU/jUwMTA5AAAA_1109582_HB/s7200_system_manual_en%2DUS.pdf Iš pirmo žvilgsnio, funkcija universali, todėl DWORD'ams "bit number" nereikalingas (turėtų būti ignoruojamas). Memory area "M" yra bitai. Dėl to ir pavyzdyje nenulinis bit number. Koks kodas atitinka "V", ieškokis ten pat javos failuose. Taip pat googlis išdavė, kad "The repetition factor identifies a quantity of the indicated data type to be transferred by the parameter type ANY. This means you can specify a data area and also use arrays and structures in conjunction with the parameter type ANY. STEP 7 identifies arrays and structures as a number (with the help of the repetition factor) of data types. If, for example, 10 words are to be transferred, the value 10 must be entered for the repetition factor and the value 04 must be entered for the data type." Apskritai, negi nėra šitų klasių javadoc'o? http://otomat.iutnb.uhp-nancy.fr/StartUpE/de.siemens.simaticnet.itcp.api.S7Anypointer.html -- saimhe