Tema: Re: Excel kalendorius-kaip?
Autorius: LwJ
Data: 2011-03-14 15:24:29
NOTE: The Calendar Control is an ActiveX control (actually a file called 
mscal.ocx) supplied with Microsoft Office. It is normally installed with a 
standard installation of Microsoft Office Professional or Microsoft Access, 
but if you can't find it on the list you will need to get hold of a copy. If 
you are distributing your file, or planning to use it on more than one 
computer, you will also need to make sure that the host computer has the 
mscal.ocx file installed. You will find it on the CD that your copy of 
Microsoft Office Professional came on, or you can download a copy from here

O paprastesnio varianto......
Turiu, bet nesmagu, kad tai atskirame sheet'e, o ne pop-up

"Vidunas" <vidunas@kauno.centras.lt> parašė naujienų 
>>> "priest"  parašė:
>>> nors aš ir ne Jūratė, bet gal padėsit :)).
> http://www.brighthub.com/computing/windows-platform/articles/31416.aspx
> :)