MinVodai rašė: > Ir taip kokiems 10.000 komplektu reikalingas sarasas su detales koduku > ir vienetu skaiciumi tarp skliausteliu. > idealu butu funkciju pagalba, bet jei neina, tai uzveskite ant kelio, > kaip su VBA atlikti? Public Function summary(header As Range, values As Range) If header.Count <> values.Count Then summary = CVErr(xlErrValue) Debug.Print "summary(): {header} and {values} column count doesn't match." Exit Function End If For i = 1 To header.Count If IsNumeric(values(i)) And values(i) > 0 Then If Len(summary) > 0 Then summary = summary & "; " End If summary = summary & header(i) & "(" & values(i) & ")" End If Next If Len(summary) = 0 Then summary = "none" End If End Function = summary(header_row, values_row)