Tema: Re: Auto nuoma Miunchene
Autorius: vilmas
Data: 2010-01-14 19:27:10

Driving in Winter
All vehicles driving on snow-covered roads must have winter tires during the winter season (Nov - April) or risk a fine if pulled over. Alternatively, all-season tires (if marked for M&S: mud and snow) are also acceptable during the winter season. Snow chains are not compulsory but must be carried in areas under advisory. Snow chains on summer tires – as an alternative to winter tires - are only accepted if the entire road is heavily covered with snow and no damage to the road is caused by the snow chains. These winter provisions are strictly enforced and control points are common.


"evka" <evka@centras.lt> wrote in message news:hinh82$spu$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> vokietijoje, kiek zinau, neprivaloma, del austrijos neatsakysiu.
> bet miuncheno regione jos tikrai reikalingos keliuose, tai man sunku 
> patiketi, kad de facto bandytu isiulyti su vasarinemis.
> as va prisiminiau darbo reikalais buvau lapkricio gale, nuomavaus ir buvo su 
> zieminem (nors specialiai neprasiau), ir jos labai praverte.
> i austrija ziema su vasarinem nevaziuociau! geriau jau +100 eur.