Tema: Re: softas trackinti kelionėms/pastaboms, mini blogui?
Autorius: G.K.
Data: 2015-07-08 07:24:17
How do I make a trip public/private?
 If you click “edit description” you will go to the Tell Story page. Next to where you can edit the 
trip title, there is a toggle between public and private trips. Public trips appear in search 
results and anyone can see them, public trips are for your eyes only, or anyone you share the 
private link with.

"G.K."  wrote
> Neprisimenu. Senokai nesinaudojau. Prisiregistruok ir pabandyk.
> G.K. rašė:
>>> Kuo netinka http://www.everytrail.com/trip/allplaces ?
> "Trolis"  wrote
>> Atrodo smagiai, ten galima padaryt, kad būtų porivatūs postai, pasiekiami tik ribotam ratui 
>> žmonių ar per linką (be plačios paieškos)?