Tema: Re: Rekomenduokit dvb-t priedeli
Autorius: Kazys
Data: 2009-10-14 12:17:22

Man jau pasufleravo kaip tai padaryti.


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Vytautas says:
April 16, 2009 at 10:13 am

I have op stb motorola vip1920dtb. It is bought from lithuanian IPTV 
provider Teo (subsidiary of Telia-Sonera). According to motorola bulettin 
it has lot of possibilities. But now it is with special Teo (or may be 
Telia) firmware, which is primary orientated to local IPTV and realises very 
few capabilities in using unit as DVB-T receiver- it is possible to find 
only 9 of 14 local free DVB-T programs and meniu is very poor, there is even 
no program list. All indicates that firmware is customized to primary IPTV 
reception. As i am not IPTV subsciber, my goal is to use this unit as DVB-T 
receiver and to stream media from PC using VLC to TV set (using vip1920 as 
media addapter). i was told that it is possible. But it looks like i must 
replace Teo customised firmware with suitable for my needs one.
Browsing internet forums i found link to Your page.
May be someone could help me to find vip1920 user guide or service manual, 
or could consult how to reinstall firmware (one, i hope could be suitable, 
for instance is here: http://www.minefilmer.com/iptv/software-1900).
Thank You for help.


Kas ce per softas idomu?

"GiPaS" <gipas@takas.lt> wrote in message 
> duok emeila- yra kaip sena softa susipusti
> Kazys wrote:
>> Zinau kad i senesnius galejo pasijungti per ssh o su situo firmwaru tai
>> ishjungta. Gal dar kas?