Tema: Re: Klausimėlis mindau
Autorius: Edvinas
Data: 2009-11-21 12:40:30
2009-11-21 12:04, Icetom rašė:
> Nesupratau kaip atkalibravai baltos balansą, jei nežinai kas yra r-cut ;/
> Iš curtplame (http://www.curtpalme.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10457 ):
> "RGB LowEnd: The control used to adjust the amount of individual Red,
> Green, or Blue colour in the darker end of the black to white scale.
> Think of it as an individual brightness control for each colour.
> Manufacturers all use a different name for this control though 'Cut',
> 'Cutoff' and 'Bias' are the most common terms used. I will refer to this
> control as 'RGBLowEnd' in this guide to avoid any confusion.
> RGB HighEnd: The control used to adjust the amount of individual Red,
> Green, or Blue colour in the lighter end of the black to white scale.
> Think of it as an individual contrast control for each colour.
> Manufacturers all use a different name for this control though 'Drive'
> and 'Gain' are the most common terms used. I will refer to this control
> as 'RGBHighEnd' in this guide just to avoid any confusion. "

Aiku. Tiesiog RGB lowend pas mane ir taip tiksliai buvo :)

> O kaip ten tas serviso meniu? Mačiau keletas foto forume, tai ten pas
> Panasonic viskas užkoduota :( Ten kur reikšmės, tai visokie 7E ir pan.

Niekas ten neužkoduota, ten šešioliktainiai skaičiai ir tiek.