"rr" <rr@nospam.lt> wrote in message news:Xns9DBC79A5381A2rrnospamlt@ > Iš http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1080i > „Thus, a 1080i image has two 960 X 540 fields that are combined to > simulate a 1920 X 1080 image. This has been a source of confusion as it is > sometimes claimed[citation needed] that 1080i is actually equivalent to > 540p.“ Equivalent tai Equivivalent - bet paduok TV procesoriui 540p ir tą patį 1080i ;) Ir tada pažiūrėsim ar 540p upscalintas vaizdas bus tiek pat geras (detalumas ir pan.) kaip ir konvertuoto 1080i ;)