Na ką. Asortimentas: Dėl padengimų (iš UK forumo): S30: - G30: Infinite Black & High Contrast Filter ST30: Infinite Black Pro & High Contrast Filter (?) GT30: Infinite Black Pro & High Contrast Filter VT30 Infinite Black Pro & High Contrast Filter Pro "In terms of picture quality I don't want to make any definitive comments at this stage, but they do look promising and the GT30 and VT30 were displaying some serious black levels." "50% of the sales in Europe are 42 and 50" size. " Panasonic turbūt rimčiausiai žiūri į kalibravimo reikalą: "The last thing to mention is the calibration controls which take a serious step up in terms of what is offered. The first is a full 3D Colour management system which is long overdue. Second is the fact that the menus are correctly placed now for calibration, i.e. they don't cover the measurement area of the screen. But the big final improvement is that fact that using CalMAN 4 and an ethernet connection we have full one press calibration control with 10 point Greyscale and gamma correction. The 10 point and Gamma are only available in this mode. Dealers are being trained and sold the kit to do these calibrations by Panasonic who really are taking the whole calibration thing very seriously!" Įdomu, kaip Lietuvos Panasonic platintojai - siūlys tokią paslaugą :D? Atrodo, kad ST30 gali būti labai patrauklus gaminys kaip "biudžetinis" variantas. Dėl LCD. Šiais metais Panasonic stipriai giria savo patobulintą IPS matricą. Gali būti verta dėmesio renkantis LCD. Įdomu, tik kaip su juodos atkūrimu.